Not actually a club. This is my coding blog. Find me on twitter @coolcodingclub
I discovered that our admin page was taking 3 seconds to load when running Rails locally. Did a little profiling and realized it was loading a lot of javascript files.
If you change config.assets.debug to false, then the assets are concatenated and the single javascript file loads much more quickly.
My approach was adding an environment variable, so you can override it as needed in .env.development.local with dotenv. I made the default false (opposite of the rails default) so that quicker development was the default. In our environment, we've moved a lot of the frontend code to a separate react codebase, so we aren't doing as much frontend debugging on the monolith. It's less important to have the default as true.
Lemme know if this helped you at all. I might post this on the Rails performance slack.